Most are $10 each, when buy 5 or more please
Only A very few are slightly higher 🤑.
I often have more than pictured, adding often 🤔🤔
vintage iron (5 kilo) wood post driver with new handle 👏👏👏 all good brand professional grade $40 wood post and pro tent uses and collectable , or same thing in smaller 10 lb size $30
😎 several post hole diggers $10 each
Masons, engineer, smithy, hammers
Pair of 10 lb sledge hammers $15 ea others 6-8 lb $10 each ,,,,,All clean and painted , handles treated and repaired, sharpened, perfect spares, groups, etc,
Several picks , Maddox picks , rakes, just a few nice axes, single and double
Cash, please, call to come see, retired, many other good deals on shovels hammers, post hole diggers, scoop shovels, Potato forks, hay forks, etc most,,,$10 buy 10 or more,,, please a few better ones $12-$15 🤔🤔 buy 15 or more I'll deal